Netanyahu Secured His Success Ahead of Livni’s Decision

A well seasoned soldier in Israel’s political arena, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu prepared for the return of Tzipi Livni and/or former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, taking steps to secure an election victory in the 11 Shevat 5773 general election.

Mr. Netanyahu shocked the political community with his deal, but signing an election agreement with Yisrael Beitenu will give the join list over 30 seats, ensuring the prime minister once again receives the presidential mandate to form the next government coalition.

The union with Yisrael Beitenu has the chareidi parties concerned, especially with polls showing a larger and stronger HaBayit HaYehudi party following the elections, leading the veteran chareidi players with the realization that when they are seated opposite the prime minister at coalition negotiations, they will not wield the same political clout they did in the past election.

That said, the prime minister has stressed he remains loyal to his chareidi coalition brethren, and he will undoubtedly seek to bring Yahadut HaTorah and Shas on board in the next coalition towards forming a solid right-wing coalition majority and banishing the centrist and centrist left-wing to the benches of the opposition along with the Arab parties.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. “and banishing the centrist and centrist left-wing to the benches of the opposition along with the Arab parties”
    Uhuh, tell me again ……….
    Id like to see it happen. Talk is cheap!

  2. The real question is how will left-leaning Bibi handle to the move to the right that his own Likud has just made. Feiglin & the others will certainly be pulling him further right than he may want – don’t be surprised if he ignores the charedim in favor of some left-wing [Labor?] party…You never know!

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