Agudah to Determine Party Lineup Next Week

The central committee of Agudas Yisrael plans to convene next week at which time the party’s lineup for the upcoming general election is to be determined. The meeting is set for Sunday, 18 Kislev 5773.

The next step is to receive the list prepared by Degel HaTorah and the two must then merge towards creating the list for Yahadut HaTorah in the upcoming election.

Differing from some of the previous elections, achdus does appear to be on the agenda of both parties and perhaps this time around, the joint list will be arranged without threats of running independent of one another. Perhaps the issue of drafting chareidim and the realization the tzibur needs strong representation has united the factions, or perhaps the election agreement between Likud and Yisrael Beitenu did the trick.

Whatever the case the situation today is far better than before the last election and one can only hope the current limited achdus will continue towards benefiting the tzibur at large.

Ironically just today, Monday 26 Kislev 5773 HaMevaser realized it was being boycotted by Agudah. A statement was released, attributed to HaMevaser, than if Shlomei Emunim is being boycotted by the Agudah faction, there can be no cooperation. This could mark the beginning of conflict, even ahead of Sunday’s planned meeting.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Just a reminder that a seat in the Knesset is a ‘favored feather in a cap’ with huge benefits $, fringe accts and pensions forever..

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