After Ceasefire, Netanyahu Down In Polls, But Still Seen Winning Ballot

Discontent over a ceasefire that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu struck with Hamas in Gaza has cost him support before an election in January but he should still win the ballot, a poll showed on Friday.

The survey by Israel’s Maariv newspaper, the first since the truce took hold on Wednesday, said the newly merged party of Netanyahu and Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, Likud Beitenu, would take 37 of the 120 parliamentary seats up for grabs on Jan. 22. A poll taken before the eight-day conflict suggested they would win 43 seats.

It said that 31 percent of Israelis approved of the ceasefire while 49 percent were opposed. Asked if the army should have re-occupied Gaza, 41 percent were against and 29 percent in favour.

The poll has a 4.5 percent error margin.


2 Responses

  1. The polls suggest that the ones who are angry are hawks, meaning Likud will lose seats to the “right” which doesn’t affect the likely “winner” but would affect the coalition.

  2. How many times can israelis vote for a gutless lying bibi who critized olmert for his utter and total failure in 2 wars then goes and commits the same failures himself. Hamas is like bacterial infection- if you only partially kill it it mutates to a more dangerous variety germ

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