How Much Can a Tel Aviv Luxury Apartment Cost?

Many ask just how high can prices climb for a luxury apartment in the heart of Tel Aviv and the new project at 17 Arlosoroff Street, the corner of Dizengoff breaks the record, with apartments selling for a cool 200 million NIS.

The building will be 29 stories and include an 850 square meter penthouse built on two floors. The other apartments will sell for a mere 50-200,000 NIS per square meter. That means the price of a living room in this building is about the same as a three bedroom apartment in Lod.

The building is planned to be completed in four years and advanced sales are expected to begin in the coming weeks. The building will include 131 apartments from 70-170 square meters, and the two-story penthouse will be the largest unit for sale.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Why is this story in YWN?

    1. Frum Jews don’t like Tel Aviv (how could we love a city that tops world wide lists for best places for various shades of perverts to visit – and is proud of it).

    2. Frum Jews don’t like High rise buildings, as a rule.

    3. Frum Jews, even rich ones, are much less inclined to spend on fancy goods than frei Jews. We prefer to splurge on thinks like children, tsadakah, etc. If you think of anyone known in our community for being rich, its unlike you’ll hear them talk about his mansion, but more likely how his sons-in-law are in kollel, or what tsadakahs he supports.

  2. Akuperma….. with all the respect you have quite a lot to learn.
    1. “Frum Jews don’t like Tel Aviv”. I’ll tell you what I don’t like. I don’t like Iran, Cuba, Venezuela. What I do like is Tel Aviv, a city with thousands of Jews in it. We are talking about a city with shuls in it, how can you say we don’t like it? It’s still part of E’Y. There are frum out-of-town Jews who aren’t in love with Brooklyn, but its rude, disrespectful, and selfish to announce it.

    2. Frum Jews live in high rise buildings in Manhattan and Miami Beach.

    3. Unfortunately I know far too many frum yeshivish families broken from a spouse having an addiction of spending or gambling. I’d love for you to teach me how cigarettes are not a luxury for yeshiva bachurim.

    Thank you.

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