Israel: Seasonable Weather in the Coming Days

Rain is expected to return in the coming days after a week of unseasonably warm and dry weather. Rains are expected to begin on Thursday, 8 Kislev 5773 followed by increasingly cloudy skies during the mid and later afternoon hours. Local showers are expected, accompanied by strong winds and isolated thundershowers. There is a flood warning for low lying areas.

On erev shabbos rain is expected from the north to the northern Negev accompanied by thunderstorms and temperatures will drop significantly. Shabbos in the capital is expected to be cloudy and another drop in temperatures is expected. Local rain may occur but forecasters do not predict significant showers in Yerushalayim on shabbos.

The rain is expected to increase on Sunday and intermittent showers are expected, once again from the north to the northern Negev. Flood warnings will be in effect and temperatures will continue to drop during the early part of the week.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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