Chessed in Wartime – HaTzvi Bakery in Bnei Brak Begins Chanukah Early

In Eretz Yisrael, jelly donuts are synonymous with Chanukah and for R’ Tzvi Cohen, the owner of the HaTzvi Bakery in Bnei Brak, the holiday began early, this week in fact. R’ Tzvi is proud to announce that in the past days, he distributed 5,000 free donuts and hot rolls to residents of southern Israel who fled to Bnei Brak, seeking safety from Hamas rockets.

BaKehilla explains that the rolls did not even get a chance to cool down. They went directly from the ovens into large carts and distributed, and they were received with a warm smile too.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. not only is it teary-eyed to read a article like this and feel that the geulah is just around the corner when thats what you see on a news website.

    it also most directly and strong-handedly starts pushing entrepenours to think about doing lots of chesed

    mitoch shelo lishma bah lishma

    dont think about doing this just one time think about in the future more processes like this

  2. A hot roll chesed? Warms my heart!
    מי כעמך ישראל! I’m proud to belong to this amazing caring nation. ברוך ה׳.

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