Policeman Finds his Son Among Rocket Attack Wounded

One of the rockets fired into southern Israel on Wednesday left a 16-year-old male injured. The boy’s father, policeman Reuven Nissimi heard on his radio that a rocket landed nearby and responded to assist with the wounded. “I was on patrol when I heard the siren. We ran for cover and heard the explosion and then got up and began searching for the wounded. Then I heard the call on the radio regarding Netivot.”

Two of Reuven’s sons were playing ball when the sirens went off. The 16-year-old was injured by shrapnel in a leg. The younger brother, 14, was uninjured. “I was in a bit of shock” he admits when he realized who was injured. “My son said ‘I am fine abba. You can calm down, I am fine.’”

Reuven explained they simply needed to get out for a bit, unable to remain in the house any longer. “They were running for cover when my son was hit with shrapnel.” Reuven explains that a day earlier, a rocket landed 300 meters from their home.

“We don’t despair however for we are strong and Baruch Hashem, we are fine and this will pass” he concludes.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Although these 2 boys simply needed to get out a bit [without minimizing their plight] but my Father Z’L also simply needed to get out a bit during WW2, but did not leave the house were he was being hidden for over 2 years, not even once, and hence B’H was Zoche to survive.

  2. 147, those are kids! They stay home for weeks, when they are used to play outside. Please be דן לכף זכות. (Judge in favor). It’s a different era.
    Kol tuv!

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