Hamas Leader Says ‘Israel Failed In Its Adventure’; Thanks Iran For Arms & Funding

The exiled leader of Hamas said on Wednesday that if Israel complied with a ceasefire in the Gaza conflict, Palestinians would as well but they would respond to any Israeli violation.

Khaled Meshaal, leader of the Islamist Hamas terror organization, speaking in Cairo after the truce was announced by the Egyptians, said: “If Israel complies, we are compliant. If it does not comply, our hands are on the trigger.”

At a news conference, Meshaal also thanked Egypt for helping mediate the Gaza ceasefire and praised Iran for providing Gazans with financing and arms.

“We have come out of this battle with our heads up high,” he said, adding that Israel had been defeated and failed in its “adventure”.

“It failed, praise be to God,” Meshaal said of Israel’s eight days of attacks on Gaza, which the Jewish state said were meant to stop increasing Palestinian rocket fire from the enclave targeting its cities and towns.


7 Responses

  1. Mr. Meshaal-if I were you I would keep a VERY low profile, not travel anywhere, and certainly keep my mouth shut. Unless you’re in a serious hurry to meet your 72 shviggers…

  2. Don’t worry, Mr. Meshaal, your turn is fast approaching. I only hope they don’t take you out by missile. A raid by commandos and you dying a slow and painful death would be so much more appropriate for an animal lie you.

  3. Its so sickening to see the mamzer traveling and speaking as a head of state. It boggles the mind that they let him live even if like a rat in a hole

  4. Unfortunately, he’s right. They won. Sure they lost some people, but to them, people are expendable. They lost some infrastructure, but European and Arab donations will help them rebuild. If they lost a bunch of munitions and rocket launchers, well, that didn’t seem to slow them down, the rockets were still coming like crazy.

    So the Palestinoans lost very little.

    We value greatly the five lost lives. We spent a lot of money on some very expensive pyrotechnics. So what have we gained, at what expense?

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