Iran Says They Have Given Hamas Ability To Produce Fajr-5

An Iranian news agency says the head of Iran’s powerful Revolutionary Guard has disclosed his country has given terrorists in Gaza the ability to produce longer-range missiles on their own, without direct shipments.

The comments by General Mohammad Ali Jafari, quoted by the semiofficial ISNA news agency, offer some of the clearest insights on Iran’s weapons support for Hamas, whose Iranian-engineered Fajr-5 missiles have struck near Tel Aviv and Jerusalem this past week.

The report on Wednesday quotes Jafari as saying Iran has supplied technology to Gaza for the missiles to be produced “quickly”.

Up to now, Iran denied it directly supplied Hamas with the Fajr-5.

Iran also backs the anti-Israel Hezbollah terror organization in Lebanon, which fired thousands of rockets into Israel during a monthlong 2006 war.


22 Responses

  1. OR – the Iranians could be saying that in the hope the Israelis will attempt to occupy Gaza, which would be very expensive for Israel in terms of casulties and money.

    The Iranian government has big domestic problems, and would see a foreign war as a way to build support – and unlike Egypt, Israel has limited ability to do fatal damage to Iran.

  2. Another reason to eradicate hamas altogether, a huge “chof nifrod” with kosher hotels and dinning would be an excellent idea to replace the gaza strip

  3. We need Zchusim, So, since no-where in Mishnayos, Gemoroh, Medroshei Chazal, does it say that people all over the world, have a right to follow their own time-zone for the start of Shabbos, we should refrain from Melocho, as soon as it becomes Shabos in E”Y.
    HKB”H keeps the time-zone of Eretz Yisroel, so we should be Machmir, like many Tzadikim.

  4. ader –

    If you really are such an Am Ho’oretz, then you’d probably find more joy writing on a different website where the readership know less than you do. On YWN, unfortunately, you are doing little more than making a public fool of yourself. I don’t think anyone here will even consider your ignorance worth responding to. But no one would mind if you keep Shabbos all week. Good Shabbos 🙂

  5. #3 (ader) said: “since no-where in Mishnayos, Gemoroh, Medroshei Chazal, does it say that people all over the world, have a right to follow their own time-zone for the start of Shabbos…”

    So for hundreds of years, everyone in Klal Yisrael (except you and a few other special tzaddikim) has been violating Shabbos each and every week?? Also, do you recommend that people in the Far East (over the dateline) begin keeping Shabbos sometime Thursday night? And would you also think that perhaps Americans should be able to start doing melachah on Shabbos afternoon, since it’s already Motzaei Shabbos in EY?

    Anyway, your whole premise is completely wrong. The Gemara *does* speak about the practice of the people in Babylonia (Iraq), which is in a different time zone than EY. They used the same zmanim that we do, and did not add an hour to account for the time zone difference.

    You want to promote a chumrah based on kabbalistic reasons? Fine. There are mekoros for that. But don’t dare cast aspersions on Klal Yisrael with ridiculous claims.

  6. To Common Sense,

    The Chidoh writes that HKB”H keeps His Shabbos according to the time-zone of E”Y.
    The Gemoroh says that the Malochim only say say Shirroh during the night, when is night? Time-zone of E”Y. Sheishes Yimai Breishis, When does the third day start? Time-zone of E”Y.
    Makas Bchoros in Mitzrayim, When is Chatzos? Time-zone of E”Y.
    Matan Torah in Sinai on day Seven, when does day seven start? Time-zone of E”Y.
    No-where, in Bavli, Yerushalmi, or any other Medroshim, does it permit everyone to keep their own time-zone.

  7. ader: You are perverting halachah. Everything you said pertains to the perspective of Shomayim, which may very well go according to the days in EY. But to extend that to halachah l’maaseh? That is known as “Megaleh Panim B’Torah Shelo K’Halacha.” Since you seem to be a very learned person, I’m sure you know what the Gemara says about someone who does this.

    BTW, the Chida traveled extensively, and wrote a detailed diary about his experiences. Perhaps you could find where he says that he started Shabbos a few hours earlier than everyone else when he was in Europe.

  8. To Kurkevan:

    “”The Gemara *does* speak””

    Please, where exactly is this Gemoroh? Tal Umotor is based on Bovel being in a valley, NOT Time-Zone.

  9. Poor soul. Blissfully unaware how irrelevant those statements are. Maybe you should start learning Halocho some day, but first begin with Alef Beis – you’ve a long way to go…. Quite surprised someone took you seriously enough to argue with you.

    But seriously, why don’t you do this in the coffee room, and see if there’s anyone who’s interested in having coffee with you? I think its the appropriate place for putting forward ideas of such profundity.

  10. Whenever I send a fax to EY when it’s Shabbos there and I’m here in the US, I always felt that somehow there were shlechte malochim popping out over there. Ader has convinced me, I’ll stop faxing on Shabbos and resort only to email.

  11. To Kirkuvon

    “pertains to the perspective of Shomayim, which may very well go according to the days in EY.”

    I have no idea what this means. Can we base Halacha on this kind of Logic?

  12. ader –
    What time on Erev Yom Kippur would YOU start fasting?
    When the eighth day of Av falls on Shabbos, do you eat cholent for the Shabbos Seudah or are YOU already fasting?
    Do you EVER eat Seudah Shlishis on Shabbos?
    What time do you davven Mincha on Shabbos?
    What time on Erev Shabbos Chanukah do you light the Menorah and what do you use so that they should stay lit until the requisite zman after dark?
    I could go on forever…

    Most importantly, do you read what you write and understand the implications before you hit “Submit Comments”???

  13. To: MiAnochi;

    Instead of all this Aruchos, just write a clear source from anywhere in Talmud or Medroshim, that we can follow our own time-zone. Don’t you think its an important enough issue to be mentioned at all.

  14. To ader:

    The Gemorah DOES talk about issues where you do not know where one is or the appropriate Zman in the place where they are. For you to say that there is NO WHERE in Shas Bavli, Yerushalmi, etc. where there is a mekor indicates that you are well versed in Kol Hatorah Kuloh (it is apparent that you are not). Having said that, why don’t you answer my “Aruchos”dige questions and then ask for Mekoros?

  15. ader: For starters, take a look in Talmud BAVLI (written in Babylonia, by people who lived there, for people who lived there, and about people who live there) Shabbos 35b. It describes quite clearly what the criteria are for the beginning of Shabbos. If you try saying that the Gemara means that nightfall occurs in Bavel when stars are visible in EY (while the sun is still shining locally), then you’ve descended to the world of the bizarre, and there is nothing left to discuss.

  16. To 17

    Yes we must know exactly when night falls in E”Y, so that the whole world can go along with that Zman, just like HKB”H starts keeping His Shabbos.

    Do you know that in the south of the Equator they say V’sein Tal Umotor in the Summer? Is that bizarre? They also celebrate their Chak Hakotzir in the end of their summer?

  17. ader: You asked for a Gemara, and I gave you one, but you go ahead and ignore it, and instead continue with your nonsense. If you’re not an internet troll, you are sure acting like one, and I’ll therefore not continue this discussion.

  18. ader:
    you know in the southern hemisphere some of us are machmir to eat matza in the sukkah twice a year just in case you are correct.
    some of us are also confined to mental homes…

    the mishnah brurah (who probably knew a bit more about halochah than you – mechilas kevodchah and all that, of course) deals with hilchos eyruv and although he is not in favour of using one he is very careful to point out that those who do rely on an eiruv have the majority of poskim to rely on.

    he is careful not to chas veshalom insinuate that anyone who relies on those poskim are doing anything wrong.

    you on the other hand seem quite happy to proclaim that for thousands of years klal yisroel, the tanoim and amoroim, the geonim, the rishonim and achronim are all chaivey krisus (at the very least multiple korbonos chatos) for being mechalel shabbos.

    for thousands of years there was no knowledge of the concept of time zones. when it got dark you davened maariv, when it got light you davened shachris, and you counted the hours in between to figure out when to daven mincha.

    knowledge of time zones is a latter-day discovery.

    the fact that the gemorah or rishonim do not discuss this issue does not prove your theory (and i can hardly call it that) correct.

  19. To: Thabo

    So you’re saying that the reason that Chazal never entertained ‘time-zones’, is because they thought that when it becomes night in one place, at that moment it becomes night all over the universe.
    That would concur with their belief that during the night, the sun travels over the Sky, and the moon has its own light.
    But most Rebonim I spoke to rebuked that. They say that Chazal knew everything, even what goes on in Shomayim.

  20. no ader, what i am saying is that chazal told us how to live our lives in a practical way,
    how exactly do you think a yid living 1800 years ago in some forsaken village in bovel knew what time snrie was in eretz yisroel? he had no clock to keep track of time and he couldn’t count ther minutes going by why he was sleeping

    i am saying that you, like a few others here on this forum are too quick to think that just because you think one way everybody else is wrong, and damn the consequences.

    i am saying that you should be very careful what you say about all of klal yisroel not just today, but throughout the ages

    i am saying that your idea is not based in reality or logic and if you were to try implement it yourself (living who knows where and keeping shabbos based on the time in jerushalayim etc.) you need to be locked up for your own protection

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