נקמת דם עבדיך: IDF Eliminates Head of Hamas’ Rocket Program

IDF Spokesman Brigadier-General Yoav Mordechai confirms that Yechi Biya, the Hamas commander of the rocket firings brigades, was eliminated in a targeted strike earlier in the afternoon.

Mordechai explained that the surgical strike was carried out following a direct order from IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz  to step up attacks against Hamas in Gaza.

Byya was directly responsible for the majority of rockets that have been fired on Israel.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

13 Responses

  1. this is endless! be reasonable! you think bc one guy with this name in that position was killed there arent 10 others to take his place??

    the problem has not even been mitigated

  2. Baruch Hashem
    Chasdei Hashem Ki Lo Samnu Ki Lo Chalu Rachamov
    #4 you are being really pessimistic. you can’t expect them to kill all the arabs in gaza! even if the media was on Israel’s side, it is IMPOSSIBLE!!! anyway the problem has been mitigated because they will all be at his funeral (like when the meraglim went into Eretz Yisroel, everyone was dying so that they wouldn’t be noticed.)

  3. @2-eric55- So what does Baruch Hashem mean? Anyway your post to #1 was a bit harsh sounding IMHO. Now is the time we all need to show ahavas yisroel. Hashem is sending us messages. We all need to do teshuva. Let’s try our best.

  4. #2,Hashem does not need our blessing ? Please explain the translation of ” Boruch Atoh Hashem” every time you make a blessing. Tipish what you are

  5. #9 It means Hashem is source of blessing. However the gemara does relate that Hashem asked Rav Yishmoel lvorcheini!We need achdus and not silly antagonistic posts.

  6. #4, It is true that Yechi Biya will be replaced by others, but not all terrorist are created equal, we can only pray that his replacement will be less competent.

  7. Sorry to be the barer of bad news, but this is from the haaretz site:

    10:30 P.M. Earlier reports by the IDF Spokesman to the effect that Israel assassinated the head of Hamas’ rocket-launching unit Yehiya Rabiah today in an aerial bombing in northern Gaza appear to have been inaccurate. Apparently, the IAF mistakenly bombed the home of one of his neighbors, Mohammed a-Dallo, killing 10 members of his family and two of his neighbors. Rabiah seems to have survived the attack.

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