Rav Shteinman – Remain in Bnei Brak

Residents of Yerushalayim, Betar Illit and other communities in Gush Etzion were surprised when the sirens sounded on Friday night. According to a Kikar Shabbat report, HaGaon HaRav Aaron  Leib Shteinman Shlita warned on erev shabbos during the morning hours that the danger lurks in Yerushalayim as well, advising people to remain in Bnei Brak.

Talmidim of the ארחות תורה Yeshiva met with the gadol hador after morning davening and they were permitted to ask questions. The talmidim live in Yerushalayim and they asked if they should return home to their parents or remain in Bnei Brak, admitting they were a bit frightened due to the situation.

The rav is quoted as telling them “Does HKBH has a problem to frighten Yerushalayim or Beit Shemesh? What is decreed on mortals will occur. It does not matter where one will be. Here in Bnei Brak the zchus of Torah protects us and this is not the time to leave yeshiva.”

The report adds that avreichim asked the rav if they should be wary of leaving the city, and the gadol hador is quoted as explaining that Bnei Brak merits a great deal of Torah study, which protects the inhabitants so therefore, this is not the time to leave the city.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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