Photo Essay: Wedding For Son Of The Sadigura Rebbe (Photos by JDN)

3 Responses

  1. As usual with these weddings, they are an entirely different People from what I understand.
    1. Why isn’t the Chassan in the main middle seat, instead of the Rav? No mitzvah to be Be’simcha the Rav. Maybe about 20% of the pictures are of focus of the actual chassan.
    2. No women anywhere? No mechitza anywhere? Who is he marrying under the chuppah, its all men!?
    Doesn’t make sense to me, to each their own respectfully….

  2. Post #1, you simply don’t understand! That doesn’t make you bad, you know! It’s a Rebbishe Chassuna and it’s the personages that attend that interest us the readership. This is a gorgeous pictorial essay! I wish they would caption the names so that we could know who the great leaders who have come to celebrate are.

  3. Just curious! What is Rabbi Dovid Spiegel doing there? He is a mechuttin with the Vasloier next to whom he’s seated but what’s his connection here?

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