Defense Minister Barak Comments on Situation in Southern Israel

Defense Minister Ehud Barak made the following comments after the situation analysis held Tuesday morning with the Gaza Division in the south of Israel:

“The event is not yet over. We are here with Gaza Division Commander [Brig.-Gen.] Mickey [Edelstein]; Commander of the Southern Command [Maj.-Gen.] Tal (Russo); and Deputy Chief of Staff [Maj.-Gen.] Yair [Naveh]. We have heard our officers and the correct, professional, methodical actions are being taken.

“Hamas and the other terrorist organizations are suffering as a result of intense strikes [by the IDF] in Gaza. But it is certainly not over and we will decide how and when to act if necessary. I do not want to address either timing or means [of operation]; it would not be right to provide this information to the other side.

“We do not intend to allow – in any shape or form – the continued harming of the day to day life of our citizens. And we intend to reinforce the deterrence – and strengthen it – so that we are able to operate along the length of the border fence in a way that will ensure the security of all our soldiers who are serving around Gaza.

“As far as we are concerned, Hamas is responsible for what is happening in Gaza. Even when other organizations are carrying out [certain attacks], Hamas are not free from responsibility.”


“Minister of Defense, residents of the south feel that there has not been a sufficient response from the IDF?”

DM Barak:

I want to specifically commend the locally elected officials and citizens of the region on their resilience and ability to act [as if all were normal], even when it is obvious that there is no ‘quick fix’ solution; at least not with a ‘single stroke of the sword’. These things require an attitude of grit and endurance, and this is exactly what the residents are displaying.

I think that the relationship between the IDF and the residents is excellent. There is no need to expand at this time… it is preferable to do – to act – timely; rather than just talk before [the action].”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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