Class Action Lawsuit To Be Filed Against LIPA

A class action lawsuit is set to be filed against the Long Island Power Authority and its partner National Grid on Tuesday as thousands of Long Island residents are still without power more than two weeks after Superstorm Sandy.

Two Nassau County LIPA customers are the first plaintiffs to join the lawsuit citing breach of contract, gross negligence and fraud.

“We’re bringing a class action because I believe somewhere between 750,000 and 1 million people have been one way or another damaged by the ineptitude of this organization,” said Melville Attorney Ken Mollins.

Besides seeking civil damages, Mollins said he has also filed a complaint with the New York State Inspector General seeking possible criminal prosecution.

“To investigate the way money has been spent by LIPA and I say to the Inspector General – if it’s criminal, I want arrests. If it’s civil, I want damages,” he said. “We want accountability.”

The utility has been sharply criticized for leaving Long Islanders in the cold and dark for more than two weeks without estimates or clear instructions.

Tuesday morning, about 19,000 customers were still without power.


3 Responses

  1. Interesting concept when applied to a government agency.

    Perhaps they should through the governor in jail?

    Any judgement will be paid by the customers, so if the lawyers win, they get money and rates go up to cover it.

    Of course, if you want accountability, vote the bums out (oops, they just voted the bums back in).

    They could always privatize it again, but if the state keeps over-regulating (which is what put LILCO out of business), no one will want to take it off the taxpayers hands.

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