Israel: Efforts to Cancel Untimely Parking Tickets

Many angry drivers are working to have parking tickets canceled, referring to summonses given a few short minutes after legal parking time elapsed. The drivers feel this is a form of abuse, as ticketing agents wait around and the moment parking has turned “illegal”, a summons is written.

A Jerusalem Administrative Court this week was critical of City Hall, stating it is clear that some of the ticketing agents do exactly that, wait for time to run out and then quickly write up the parked vehicle for a violation. Two agents in particular were cited but the court clearly stated this appears to be a policy. The court cites two cases, one in which the car was 3 minutes expired and a second in which a summons was issued 6 minutes after the expired time.

The court was quite harsh, accusing the ticketing agents of lacking respect and concern for motorists, and the city’s ticketing agency simply abuses drivers by permitting agents to act as they do, ticketing drivers for just running to throw out trash in some cases, exhibiting an unwillingness to grant a minimum of leeway and understanding to residents.

In light of the court’s firm position, Yerushalayim askan R’ Chaim Miller is negotiating with city officials to cancel many summonses given just minutes after the permitted parking time expired.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. What else is new under the sun?
    We suffer similar abuse in NY! And the change to muni-meters, and all the ramifications thereof is an additional form of reprehensible abuse. I cannot understand how the citizenry and our representatives have not spoken out. Aside from giving no leeway, the new system works in the collector’s favor all around. As there is no such thing as a broken meter – giving the occassional free park, and if the closest muni-meter happens to be out of order, or out of sorts at the moment, drivers have to walk further to “buy time”. Walking to a muni-meter in itself presents difficulty to many, add to that a very hot day, a very cold and or windy day, the possibility of out of order meters, and lets not forget those of us who may be driving around with children/babies who need supervision – and may be unnecessarily endangered. Also let’s not forget the extra time and effort necessary to make sure the time ticket is properly displayed – and doesn’t turn over when the car door is shut, this happening is compounded on a windy day. HELP!! HELP!!! Why doesn’t anyone speak up.
    What happened to democracy? the voice of the people???

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