Eida Rabbonim Address Digital Water Meters and Shabbos

In line with technological advances, water companies have been moving over from the standard water meter, replacing them with digital meters that are more accurate as well as capable of reporting readings to the company automatically, eliminating the need for a person to manually record water usage.

Upon learning that these meters have already been installed on thousands of homes, rabbonim from the Badatz Eida Chareidis began studying the situation vis-à-vis the use of water which compels a change of the digital readout on shabbos. The solution has been found as a result of the efforts of Nisko Telematics Systems LTD and their willingness to work with the rabbonim on the matter.

The מי שמש water company was among the first to begin using the new water meters, installing the Nisko Company product. These new water meters are not problematic regarding chilul shabbos the Eida rabbonim report after a year of studying the issue and working to find a solution. Nisko invested significant sums to create a product that would not be problematic from a Halachic point of view and in line with Eida demands. The water meter simply rests on shabbos and all information is recorded after the holy day.

After the rabbonim approached the company they worked out the issues that needed to be addressed and Nisko accommodated the Halachic concerns and found a solution.

According to Rav Binyomin Lubin of the Eida’s Halachic Supervision Committee, the new meters are fine and do not pose issues of chilul shabbos or yomtov as there are no changes registered on the holy days, not even by גרמא.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. “The water meter simply rests on shabbos and all information is recorded after the holy day.”

    So how is Shabbos water usage determined?

  2. “The water meter simply rests on shabbos and all information is recorded after the holy day.”

    So uh… what’s the din of a water meter she’shovas?

  3. Reply to No. 2

    The amount of water used over shabbos is stored on the meter’s memory chip and recorded motzi shabbos when a timer gives the command to transfer the information.

  4. “The water meter simply rests on shabbos and all information is recorded after the holy day.”

    this is pretty shoddy reporting – this is the crux of the issue and we are presented with euphemisms?

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