Neturei Karta Extremists Observe Yasser Arafat’s ‘Yahrzeit’

Members of the fanatic wing of Neturei Karta on Sunday, joined in with residents and officials of PA (Palestinian Authority) areas, marking the memorial of the death of arch terrorist and PLO founder Yasser Arafat Y”MS.

Representatives of the Neturei Karta traveled to Ramallah to take part in official PA events alongside with Abu Mazen and other PA notables.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

21 Responses

  1. I truly wish for them to just go away. If only they knew how much the Arabs they so celebrated hated them… They’re a pitifully pothetic bunch of ignorant fools. May Hashem have mercy on their souls.

  2. Gosh, it would great if you could get your information correct. How can this group be called “fanatical” when everyone knows that the Palestine Authority are funded by the Zionists and CIA and armed by them, and advocate a two-state solution?!! Obviously this “branch” of NK does not care about this, and they continue to pretend they are kanoyim. How can a kanoy affiliate with an organizaton that is hated by so many Palestinians for corruptions and misdealings, and accepts support by the Zionists and advocates two states?! Can somebody answer that question?

  3. Did they observe it by the secular calendar, the Moslem calendar our our calendar? By saying tehillim at his soon to exhumed grave? What a chillul Hashem!

  4. They are so pathetic. Why are they allowed in Israel? And why are they allowed in the US? There is so much blood on their hands. Everything they do is so insane.

  5. Is there someone out there that can help me.

    I know that we’re not supposed to harbor hate for fellow “yidden”, but I truly hate these people. I wish for their quick demise.

    Am I wrong? Do I need to work on my “midos” or are my feelings in fact justified?


  6. They can really be used now in Far Rockaway, Mill Basin, Belle Harbor or Sea Gate. The NK can find work and activity in the post-Sandy time.

  7. Just for the record 1 chilul shabos of 1 person in Israel or anywhere else in the world is allot worse then this. it makes no difference if it is a company or a government person or an individual.

  8. Why are they not deported to Ramallah? Let these cockroaches live there with their Arab buddies. They’ll exchange one filthy hovel for another, & hopefully, be meshaddach with them.

  9. Why do you even bother giving these nitwits the time of day? They aren’t mainstream Yidden. They’re a fringe group of mishugoyim and they were put in cherem, so why bother with them?

  10. Although this greatly upsets me I feel it may be necessary to see articles such as this so that we never forget who stands with us and who is against us. I pray that Hashem should give them the wisdom to see the error of their ways.

  11. Don’t any of you people know how to read and comprehend English as explained by Nicejew above? Are you rednecks or country hicks, or what? Read what he said!!

  12. I never saw such a big חילול השם in all my life we need to stand far from such a people as we all know how many yiden were killed by this ימ”ש and they just go and support them it does not look like they are not part of the Jewish community and who knows if all the trouble are caused only because they see some yiden just think the same that they think

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