Gas Rationing Begins In NY; Power Outages Persist

A new gasoline rationing plan that lets motorists fill up every other day went into effect in New York Friday morning as a nor’easter that knocked out power anew to hundreds of thousands of customers erased some of the progress made by utility crews.

Police were at gas stations to enforce the new system in New York City and on Long Island. Drivers were out before dawn to line up for their rations.

“This is designed to let everybody have a fair chance, so the lines aren’t too oppressive and that we can get through this,” Mayor Michael Bloomberg said.

The nor’easter brought gusting winds, rain and snow on Wednesday and early Thursday before it moved on. Snow blanketed several states from New York to New England and stymied recovery efforts from Superstorm Sandy as additional storm-weakened trees snapped and more power lines came down.

Hundreds of thousands of utility customers, mostly in New York and New Jersey, have been left waiting for their electricity to come back on — and some are losing patience, demanding investigations of utilities they say aren’t working fast enough.

An angry Gov. Andrew Cuomo joined the calls for an investigation Thursday, ripping the utilities as unprepared and badly managed.

“It’s unacceptable the longer it goes on because the longer it goes on, people’s suffering is worse,” he said.

Cuomo appears to be all by himself among the New York area’s big three politicians. Bloomberg defended the city’s power company, Consolidated Edison, and said it has done a good job in recent years. And New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie praised the utilities, saying he expects all of his state to have power back by early Sunday.

The utilities have said they are dealing with damage unprecedented in its scope and are doing the best they can. And there is no denying the magnitude of what they have done: At the peak, more than 8.5 million homes and businesses across 21 states lost power during Sandy. Early Friday, there were more than 288,000 outages in New York and about 265,000 in New Jersey.

Some people have lived for days in the dark in temperatures near freezing.

“We lost power last week, just got it back for a day or two, and now we lost it again,” said John Monticello of Point Pleasant Beach, N.J. “Every day it’s the same now: turn on the gas burner for heat. Instant coffee. Use the iPad to find out what’s going on in the rest of the world.”

The mounting criticism of utility companies came as New York City and Long Island followed New Jersey’s lead and announced odd-even gasoline rationing to deal with fuel shortages and long lines at gas stations; the Federal Emergency Management Agency started bringing mobile homes into the region; and Cuomo said the storm could cost New York State alone $33 billion.

New Jersey did not have a damage estimate of its own, but others have put Sandy’s overall toll at up to $50 billion, making it the second most expensive storm in U.S. history, behind Hurricane Katrina, which swamped New Orleans in 2005.

The gas rationing plan took effect at 5 a.m. Friday on Long Island and at 6 a.m. in New York City. Officials said it was imposed because something had to be done to ease the long waits for fuel, which they say has caused panic-buying and hoarding.

Bloomberg said only a quarter of the city’s gas stations were open. Some were closed because they were out of power, others because they can’t get fuel from terminals and storage tanks that can’t unload their cargoes.

Gas will be available to drivers with license-plate numbers ending in an odd number or a letter on Friday. On Saturday, drivers with license plates that end in even numbers or zero can fuel up.

Buses, taxes and limousines, commercial vehicles and emergency vehicles are exempt from the plan, as are people carrying portable gas cans. Vanity plates that don’t have numbers are considered odd-numbered plates. Out-of-state drivers are also subject to the system.

Bloomberg said the shortages could last another couple of weeks.


11 Responses

  1. People in Brooklyn have power. Ports in Manhattan are open. This is political. Mad Mayor Mike is obsessed with biking everywhere so he’s using Sandy as the perfect excuse to halt deliveries. Well, if I’m wrong, how come I haven’t heard even a pathetic explanation for this fiasco? Gotta go, today’s MY day to wait on line to fill up.

  2. Rationing something he doesn’t have. What an embarrassment of a politician.
    NJ, CT around the corner has so much gas and for some “reason” tankers can’t cross the bridge into NY????
    What a scam!

  3. #1 You gota go? gota go where? most gas stations acctualy almost all of them are closed. Rio on 38&14 had gas and refused to give people gas. He says he need it for accounts.
    I think it’s nasty the station treat the regular customers like trash and pretend they dont know them. I say when this is over #boycott

  4. So right computer bubby. Nj which got hit very hard by sandy has no problems with gas. I have not yet seen a gas station with no power (but many with no gas). Maybe bloombozo can send one of the marathon generators to power the so called powerless gas terminals (I’m sure they already have power for a week) or let fuel trucks come from out of the city to fill our gas stations.

  5. Far Rockaway is organizing a protest to take place Sunday in front of LIPA headquarters. for info contact achiezer. Costless way to help out and transportation is being organized as well

  6. Computerbubby- it is political. Look back 2 days ago at the statement from David Greenfield, where even he admits to crossing over to Jersey for gas. The refineries have power- they are producing, every New Jersey station has gas- yet you don’t see mass tanker truck convoys heading for Ny. The heads of the oil companies are trying to squeeze back, to put a stop permanently to the formulation restrictions. Believe me……Cuomo and Bloomberg couldn’t care less about how long you wait in line.

  7. I propose a rationing system of my own. Politicians, including the Mayor and Governor, and all of their employees, can only get gas in months that do not contain the letter ‘R’.

  8. I think he sees this as a way of limiting traffic into the city after his huge failure protecting the battery and midtown tunnels. It seems less dictatorial than saying you need 3 people in a car to say “sorry you can’t drive to the city because sandy (hurricane bloomy) is limiting your ability to get gas”.

  9. Great Policy as it takes the panic out of the lines.

    I first got gas on Monday Morning at 4:30 AM, and waited on line for close to 1:45 minutes.

    Today I filled up again and it took about 25 minutes.

    They should have established this at the oset As to why in fact there are lines at all, thats another question entirely.

  10. I don’t believe Bloomberg is behind this. If he is, how do you explain the lack of gas on Long Island? It took a few days of rationing for the crisis to ease in NJ. Even there, I saw five gas stations on Route 4 closed at 12 noon yesterday (there was little, if any, snow there btw).

  11. How come you don’t hear of flights canceled because JFK ran out of fuel after a whole week operating? The fuel is getting there,how and why?

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