AP Source: Navy SEALs Punished For Secrets Breach

Seven members of the secretive Navy SEAL Team 6, including one involved in the mission to kill Osama bin Laden, have been punished for disclosing classified information, senior Navy officials said Thursday

Four other SEALs are under investigation for similar alleged violations, one official said.

They are alleged to have divulged classified information to the maker of a video game.

Each of the seven received a punitive letter of reprimand and a partial forfeiture of pay for two months. Those actions generally hinder a military member’s career.

The deputy commander of Naval Special Warfare Command, Rear Adm. Garry Bonelli, issued a statement acknowledging that nonjudicial punishments had been handed out for misconduct, but he did not offer any details.

“We do not tolerate deviations from the policies that govern who we are and what we do as sailors in the United States Navy,” Bonelli said. He alluded to the importance of honoring nondisclosure agreements that SEALs sign.

He said the punishments this week “send a clear message throughout our force that we are and will be held to a high standard of accountability.”

The punishments were first reported by CBS News.


6 Responses

  1. Obama can share all this information and more with his Hollywood cronies so he can boost his popularity, but G-d forbid that the ones who went through the dangerous operation, be allowed to tell their story.

  2. obama can put the seals’ lives in danger by his talking but they can’t Another example how stupid the people are he voted for the fraud

  3. The President of the United States is the final classification authority. He can disclose classified information at his pleasure. There were Presidents in the past – notably Jimmy Carter – who release much more sensitive information to the whole world, legally.

    Military personnel do not enjoy that priviledge. They have the responsibility legally and morally not to divulge classified information. They sign legally binding contracts to this effect when they join the military, and any time they are read into a classified program.

  4. Seems beside the college kids and the people wanting hand out from the government nobody is too happy with his win.
    This is the first post election time that I have seen such
    dislike for a president. You reap of what you sow.. He sowed hatred and it is looking back in his face

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