Motzei Shabbos Kenos Against Unwanted Technology

A motzei shabbos Pasrshas Chayei Sara kinus is planned in Jerusalem’s Tami Hall against the damage caused to the tzibur by unwanted technology. The kinus follows a similar event a number of weeks ago in Bnei Brak’s Heichal Malchus Hall, and this event according to reports is being arranged at the behest of HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach Shlita. adds the HaGaon HaRav Aaron Leib Shteinman Shlita is expected to attend as well.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. How do they define unwanted technology? Not to make light of what the rabbonim are trying to do but…..we say in Kriyas Shema – Lo Susuru Acharei Eineichem. The Rebono She’ll Olam knew it wasn’t going to be easy- you can’t just REMOVE it.

  2. Unwanted? Obviously it’s wanted by some? Otherwise, if nobody wanted it, they wouldn’t need a “kenos”. No?
    What’s the difference between a “kenos” and an “asifa”?

  3. Why does Shteinman keep beating this dead horse. I was hoping that after the petirah of rav Elyashiv, shlita, he might take some time to reconsider this whole issue and offer a more enlightened view of the whole issue of internet access and smartphones. Unfortunately, he intends to continue down the same path of what poster No. 4 correctly calls “unwanted knowledge”.

  4. Gadolhadorah, you have serious issues. Where is your respect? What is Shteinman? Its Horav. You are not near his level. Also its reb elyashiv zatzal, not shlita. You are ignorant and a disgrace to the jewish people.

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