California Man Behind Anti-Islam Film To Go Back To Jail For A Year

A California man who served time for bank fraud was sent back to jail on Wednesday for probation violations stemming from his role in making a crude anti-Islam film that stoked protests across the Muslim world against the United States.

The Egyptian-born Coptic Christian, who has been publicly identified as Nakoula Basseley Nakoula but whose legal name is Mark Basseley Youssef, admitted to several probation violations during a hearing in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles.

At least one violation involved his use of an alias, Sam Bacile, a name that several actors from the film said he used in producing the video, which was released under the title “The Innocence of Muslims.”


2 Responses

  1. Bogus! his film never caused any riots that was made up by the white to cover up for their ignoring requests for increased security in Benghazi. The Arabs never heard of this film until Obama mentioned it

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