PM Netanyahu Seeks to Hush the Criticism Following Obama Victory

If relations between Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and US President Barak Obama were strained during the US president’s first term in office, things are not likely to improve any day soon. It is clear that Jerusalem would have preferred the election of Governor Mitt Romney, an outspoken advocate and strong ally of Israel, but as the exit polls signaled most American Jews were not in agreement, with over 65% casting their ballot for the incumbent, Israel’s Channel 10 News reported.

Now facing the reality of Mr. Obama’s second term in office, Mr. Netanyahu prefers to exhibit an air of statesmanship and a genuine desire for a good working relationship during the next four years. Towards achieving this goal he has instructed his cabinet ministers to refrain from derogatory comments during interviews with the media as the local press is abuzz seeking to obtain the reactions of Israeli elected officials to the American elections. Mr. Netanyahu’s directive was also circulated among party faction members in Knesset, seeking to prevent any embarrassing situations that might result from a negative media response.

The media is full of quotes from officials signaling that if Obama is reelected it will spell unprecedented political pressure from the United States on Israel to make additional concessions towards the establishment of a Palestinian state.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. “The media is full of quotes from officials signaling that if Obama is reelected it will spell unprecedented political pressure from the United States on Israel to make additional concessions towards the establishment of a Palestinian state.”

    The Israelis should recognize that they are not the center of the universe. Obama will have his hands full with the economy, job creation, tax reform and addressing the fiscal cliff. Israeli Palestinian peace is not something that is high on the agenda of the American people or President Obama.

  2. #1 crazykanoiy: Actually al pi ha emes Israel IS exactly that, the centre of the universe and the entire Creation – sorry to disappoint you…
    Israeli-Palestinian peace never was on the agenda of the Obama administration, beating down an already threatened Israel was what was on his agenda, may G-d save us from his plans…

  3. To crazykanoiy:

    Amen! From your lips to G-d’s ears!

    However realistically I fear that as a “davar chaviv” (because more than just “ahava” alone is “mikalkeles es hashura” it will take a prominent position on his agenda! And

    The election results reminded me of this lesson from (Megillah 14a) “The removal of the ring [that Ahashvarous gave to Haman] was greater than the 48 prophets and 7 prophetesses that prophesized to the Jewish people. For they did not manage to bring the Jewish people back to do what is right, whereas the removal of the ring accomplished that.”

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