Cabinet Approves Additional Tax Incentives for Sderot Residents

The cabinet on Sunday, unanimously approved economic benefits for Sderot and communities adjacent to Gaza for 2013. The aid package includes:

Economic benefits for area residents:

* 20% tax exemption

* 30% discount on local property tax for residences

* Daycare subsidies.

Expanded health and social welfare services:

* Expanded psychological and psychological-social services for those suffering from shock, especially children, at five area centers

* Assistance in operating emergency medical services – additional critical care ambulances, operation of a night medical switchboard and increased staff at the Sderot mental health care center.

Special assistance for local councils:

* Economic assistance to local councils –8 million NIS for the Municipality of Sderot and 5 million NIS for the regional councils in the area.

Employment assistance and aid to businesses:

* Operation of an employment track to absorb new employees in the area

* 24% discount on local property tax for industry, commerce and services

* 15% preference in the allocation of foreign workers for agriculture

* Exemption from Israel Land Administration leasing fees

The current government has made similar decisions to strengthen civilian resilience in each of the past four years at an overall cost of 785 million NIS.

This decision joins last week’s cabinet decision regarding protection for the homes of residents 4.5-7 kilometers from the Gaza perimeter fence, and completes the strategy of national resilience in the area: A combination of diplomatic, security and civilian components that strengthens the resilience of area residents and councils.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Most countries whose cities are being bombed respond by attacking those who are doing the bombing rather than paying the victims to get bombed.

    I wonder if the Brits could have saved money during the Battle of Britain by scrapping all the money they spent on the RAF and the anti-aircraft and the like, and instead paid tax incentives to their citizens not to pay attention to the bombing????????

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