Controversy Brewing In Super-Jewish Senate Race [UPDATED]


An interesting situation is playing out in the race for the super-Jewish seat in Brooklyn. A flyer was circulated throughout Boro Park this weekend claiming that Democrat Simcha Felder has the endorsement of the newly established “Community First” organization. This would be newsworthy because “Community First” had been supporting Republican David Storobin for State Senate.

The flyer which purported to be from “Community First,” and was on its letterhead, listed many reasons why Community First was endorsing Felder. Interestingly, on the same day a newspaper published by “Community First” was delivered door-to-door in Boro Park stating that Community First was now neutral in the race for State Senate.

So which one was it? Was “Community First” endorsing Storobin? Were they going with Felder? Were they neutral? Jacob Kornbluh, a consultant to “Community First,” cleared the air today when he tweeted a brand new flyer that was distributed by “Community First” explaining that Community First did NOT endorse any candidate and was waiting to see which candidate would be focused on middle-class issues in the final days of the race. Interestingly, Kornbluh tweeted the flyer in Yiddish. Apparently, he did not want the mainstream media to find out about this fiasco.

The question that Kornbluh did not answer: who put out the false flyer that “Community First” was endorsing Felder?

UPDATE: A tipster has submitted this image which is an endorsement of Simcha Felder, Marty Golden and Eric Ulrich, which was published in the Ami Magazine. It is unknown why Community First endorsed Felder in this ad, and now claims they are not endorsing either candidate.

Click on images to ENLARGE them.

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

2 Responses

  1. Unfortunately, lots of Jews fall for the scam of “free” stuff, free programs etc. You would think Jews would be smart enough to figur out that you don’t get something for nothing…

  2. To be frank, Community First never endorsed Simcha Felder in any form, shape or matter. Community First is proud to have had a vital role in assuring there’s a democratic race and that there’s a choice. Under no circumstance is there any endorsement mentioned in the Ami ad, but an acknowledgement that we will be a working force on behalf of the community once the favorable candidates get elected, as the assumption has been so for the past few months.
    Community First however did endorse the voter, once and for all. Now its up to the voters of our community to decide, and let the better one win.

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