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PHOTOS: Rubashkin Tour Continues: Agudah, Novaminsk, Satmar KJ, Satmar Williamsburg, Munkatch, Slonim…

Sholom Rubashkin is continuing on his thank you tour, and has had an action-packed 48 hours.

Rubashkin visited the Novaminsker Rebbe and members of Agudath israel of America, the Satmar Rebbe of Kiryas Yoel, the Satmar Rebbe of Williamsburg, the Munkatcher Rebbe, the Skverer Cheder in Monsey, the Slonimer Rebbe, the Kever of the Satmar Rov Z”L, and other locations.

He also Davened Shacharis in Boro Park at the Satmar Bais Medrash on 53 Street – where he had Lechayim with hundreds of people.

YWN has published dozens of photo albums courtesy of the team at JDN.

The following are links to the various YWN Photo Albums from each event.

Photo Essay: Sholom Rubashkin Celebrating His Release In Kiryas Yoel (Photos by JDN)

Photo Essay: Sholom Rubashkin Meeting With The Satmar Rebbe Of Kiryas Yoel (Photos by JDN)

Photo Essay: Sholom Rubashkin Visits Talmud Torah Toldos Yaakov Yosef Skver In Monsey (Photos by JDN)

Photo Essay: Sholom Rubashkin Visits The Munkatcher Rebbe (Photos by JDN)

Photo Essay: Rubashkin Tour: Wed. Morning Visiting The Satmar Shul On 53 Street In Boro Park (Photos by JDN)

Photo Essay: Shalom Rubashkin Meets With The Slonimer Rebbe (Photos by JDN)

PHOTOS: Rubashkin Visits Novaminsker Rebbe & Agudath Israel Askonim (Photos By Henry Rubinstein – Dee Voch)

Photo Essay: Rubashkin Visit To The Karlin Stolin Cheder In Boro Park (Photos by JDN)

Photo Essay: Sholom Rubashkin Visits New Square (Photos by Motty B. – JDN)

Photo Essay: Release Of Sholom Rubashkin – More From 770 (Photos by JDN/Henry Rubinstein, Yossi Goldberger, ABB, Avrumi Berger, Hilel Lash, Motty B.)

Photo Essay: Release Of Sholom Rubashkin – Arriving At His Home In Monsey (Photos by JDN)

Photo Essay: Release of Sholom Rubashkin – At His Father’s Store When The News Came Out (Photos by JDN)

Photo Essay: Release Of Sholom Rubashkin – At The Ohel (Photos by JDN)

Photo Essay: Release Of Sholom Rubashkin – Shacharis And Gomel At 770 (Photos by JDN)

Photo Essay: Thousands Greet Sholom Rubashkin In Boro Park On Wed Night (Photos By JDN/Henry Rubinstein, Yossi Goldberger, ABB, Avrumi Berger, Hilel Lash)

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

9 Responses

  1. I find it interesting that Rubashkin’s visit with the Satmar Rebbe of Williamsburg warranted only one brief clip, while there were numerous pictures posted elsewhere.

    Moderators Response: Like every other Satmar story… another Satmar insecure comment… No silly, we simply weren’t given any photos. Incredible how insecure Satmar gets over such pedi childish babyish immature things in life. Seriously. It’s time to get a grip.

  2. Bpkj- seriously??? @ moderator everyone knows yw is anti Satmer you don’t have to keep chewing it! BUT YOUVE GOT TO ADMIT, Satmer got him out ! No two ways about it!

  3. wow! wow! what a chillul hashem for these leaders to give so much honor to an obnoxious convicted criminal. Rabashkin was mechallel the sheim hashem birabim and yet he gets all this honor and attention. These gedolim are spitting in the face of every honest hard working person by showing so much kovod to a person who is defiant, unrepentant and who shows no remorse or regret whatsoever for the crimes he has commited. Achdus and chizuk are a pathetic excuse. There was more achdus at the chet haeigal and a lot of good that did us. Rubashkin is the golden calf of this generation. We have no ethics, values, morals or shame whatsoever.
    על זה נאמר בתחילת ספר ישעיה. שריך סוררים וחברי גנבים כלו אהב שחד ורדף שלמונים

  4. Jeff , admin that you have a “beef” with Rubashkin because you are probably a militant vegetarian or a member of apicoros movement called “Open Orthodoxy”. And please enlighten us on what exactly “crimes he has committed” so we will understand you vile hatred towards the man.

  5. “He also Davened Shacharis in Boro Park at the Satmar Bais Medrash on 53 Street – where he had Lechayim with hundreds of people.”
    typo – instead should read: where he had hundreds of Lechayims with people

  6. @bpkj @a mamin First of all, photos went up today it looks like

    Second of all, it’s amazing what two year old Satmar are. What’s even more amazing is that the only one who thinks Satmar “got him out” is Mr. balkany, another convicted felon. It seems that Satmar loves and ebraces the words of felons.

    By the way, idiot alert! The Flatbush resident who met with Trump in the Oval Office multiple times about this is not Satmar last I checked. Incredible how ignorant and uneducated in this entire sugya these Satmar fools are. Yay! Satmar got him out.

    Grow up. Serious. Get a grip on life.

  7. @various posters- Oy vey… And, unfortunately, yet another opportunity for us to express achdus as a Klal is hijacked by the Satan’s tweaking of our “sensitivities”- and there goes the chance to once again be “agudah echas” and bring the geulah.

    I know this is an unpopular view in the “Olam HaCommentators”, but maybe calming the vitriolic rhetoric that is slung about so freely could actually be a major zechus in undoing the unbearable damage caused by the same actions nearly 2000 years ago…. Halevai, halevai!

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