Arrogant Bloomberg: NYC Marathon Will Go On

Mayor Michael Bloomberg says the New York City Marathon will go on despite storm-related objections.

Bloomberg discussed the marathon Friday while giving a briefing on the storm.

He says New York has to show that “we are here and we are going to recover.” Bloomberg says the marathon will “give people something to cheer about” after a “dismal week.”

Bloomberg is coming under increasing attack by elected officials for his decision to have the marathon  which start just a few blocks away from where the storm hit, causing loss of life, and destroying homes.


7 Responses

  1. For people who have no home, food, clothing, etc., the marathon will not make their concerns go away even for one minute so they can “cheer” for people who have nothing better to do but run in a marathon. Rather take this time to give of yourself or anything to help these people who are in need just to survive!!

  2. AND all of this will create additional traffic jams that will interfere with recovery & contribute to additional wasted gas.

    The mayor mentioned that Giuliani went fwd with the race after 9/11. Well it was A-a much longer time after. B- didn’t interfere with the recovery.

    Giuliani wouldn’t make such a foolish decision.

    The mayor may be a good manager but lacks the ability to put things into proper perspective like a true leader. He is therefore NOT a good leader.

    He might be the only one in the city that is pro-marathon.

  3. It’s the blizzard (where the Manhattan got all the services, and everywhere else was ignored) all over again. Who will Bloomy blame this time?

  4. The marathon is more important than the president himself

    When Obama wanted to come, Bloomie said we cant spare the cops

    However we can for the marathon

  5. I heard his radio update. He clearly said the Road Runners organization (organizers of this annual insanity) donated $1 million. Bribery??? Gee, ya think?!

    He endorsed Obama & I predict that’s because Obama promised him something…a new job after we eventually get rid of His arrogance if G-d forbid, Obama is re-elected?

    Bloomberg is a despicable, arrogant and callous despot. I absolutely thoathe him and I would like to think that his henchmen review these comments from sites such as YWN. However, he doesn’t care about Chassidishe housewives’ opinions, we just don’t matter to his super-inlated & egotistical world, so apart from having the chance to vent, my words won’t make a dent. But I do feel better for speaking up! Thanks, YWN! 🙂

  6. what a complete IDIOT!!! “He says New York has to show that “we are here and we are going to recover.” Bloomberg says the marathon will “give people something to cheer about” after a “dismal week.” yeah right! Uh Mr. Mayor, can you please explain to me how will people cheering for a marathon help them recover exactly?!?

  7. Before you step into the voting booth on Tuesday, keep in mind we had term limits in place. We the people voted for it twice. Then along came a “Heimisha” councilman & in an act of terrible Chaniffa, sponsored and voted to overturn term limits allowing this Rasha – Mike Bl$$mberg to remain in power, enacting his terrible decrees! When you have complaints about Bl$$mberg, keep in mind, this all could of been avoided had “term limits” NOT been overturned! Now this same “heimisha” candidate wants our vote, for State Senate. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! Endorsments from Dov & David are meaningless!

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