NYC: National Guard To Deliver One Million Meals To Areas Affected By Hurricane Sandy

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced that the National Guard with FEMA will deliver one million meals and bottled water to New Yorkers in areas affected by Hurricane Sandy. Delivery to parts of Lower Manhattan, affected areas in Brooklyn and Queens, including the Rockaways will start today.

“After days without powers, the most immediate need for many New Yorkers is food and water and the state is working aggressively to address this need.” said Governor Cuomo. “The first plane into JFK this morning was from FEMA, carrying supplies and personnel we requested. New York state will continue to deploy all our resources in response to Hurricane Sandy and adjust to the needs and concerns of New Yorkers so that we can ensure a safe and speedy recovery.”

FEMA and the National Guard will work with the city and major not-for-profit organizations to establish points of distribution and set up staging stations throughout the most affected areas. National Guardsman will assist with the delivery of approximately 30 tractor-trailers of the food and water, by going door-to-door to New Yorkers who have been without power and electricity since Hurricane Sandy hit the state. The National Guardsmen and FEMA officials will also check the wellness and needs of individuals in these areas to ensure that residents are safe.

The New York State Department of Homeland Security, FEMA, and the national guard, along with city and not-for-profit partners, worked through the night to transport the meals in to the region so they could be staged to be delivered throughout the region.

The Governor will visit a distribution site in Manhattan later this afternoon.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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