Nachal Chareidi Soldier Refuses to Destroy Yitzhar Outpost

An IDF soldier of Netzach Yehuda, more commonly known as Nachal Chareidi refused an order after he realized his presence permitted border policemen to take part in the destruction of a number of buildings in an outpost in Yishuv Yitzhar in Shomron during the predawn hours on Thursday, 16 Cheshvan 5773.

Soldier Pini Shendorfi was sent along with other soldiers to guard duty in the former community of Migron. He realized that he was sent there to free up border policemen who were being sent to destroy the outpost, which is viewed as illegal by the government.

HaKol HaYehudi explains that the soldier was no willing to play a role in the outpost destruction, not even an indirect role, and he told his officer that he simply cannot comply with order.

Shendorfi is a son of Rabbi Yigal Shendorfi of Yishuv Nachliel in the Binyamin Regional Council area of Shomron. While his immediate officer tried explaining his role was so indirect he was not assisting in dismantling the buildings, he stated he would not be willing to be one of 1,000 playing any role in such action, after which he left the area.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. A fine Jew from a fine family. However, what is the problem with all the others? Do they believe that CHAS VESHOLOM, G-D is sleeping and does not see their actions? A Jew who just raises his hand against another Jew, not in self-defense, is called evil. So what are these people who viciously beat Jews to be called? What are those who destroy Jewish homes to be called?

    Aryeh Zelasko
    Beit Shemesh

  2. To No. 3

    If you view this soldier as a “fine jew” than what would your view be of a rasha. If he disobeys a lawful order than this “fine jew” should be tried in a court-martial and punished. He joined the army and its not his right to decide for himself which orders to obey, especially where in this case, he uses distorted talmudic logic of “indirect” effects to avoid helping to protect his own community from terrorists. In some respects, had there c’v been an attack and someone from his family was killed or injured, would he sit back smugly and say he was not responsible since he was not on guard duty because of concerns about what other soldiers might be doing somewhere else? It may take such an outcome to convince these charedi zelaots that they must share in the protection of their families and other settlers.

  3. My description of a “Rasha” would be a man who complies with his superior’s order to commit an act betraying his beliefs and conscience. He mistakenly joined the army out of patriotism and the will to serve his People, thinking his fellow Jews wouldn’t force him to participate in destroying settlements where his family members live. Would you destroy your parents’ home?

  4. He joined the army to defend the Jewish people – not to destroy the homes of the Jewish people
    . He is an honor to his family and follows in the way of his great father who is moser nefesh to educate our youth.

  5. From the day he joined the army he was part of massive chillul Hashem, akiras hadas etc. Only when the army wanted to knock down buildings in his neck of the woods he remembers he’s Jewish. Why is everyone so impressed?

  6. Of course he did the right thing. Divrei harav vedivrei hatalmid, divrei mi shom’in? He refused to become an accomplice in a terrible crime, knowing that he will suffer for it. That is mesirus nefesh.

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