Rabbi Yehuda Addis Shlita Remains Apolitical

With the ongoing machlokes continuing in the litvish camp, the name of Rav Addis is being used in connection with the Netzach breakaway party.

On Wednesday night, the eve of 16 Cheshvan 5773, HaRav Yehuda Addis Shlita, a member of the Degel HaTorah Moetzas Gedolei HaTorah and leader of the ‘מרביצי תורה ספרדים’ told an audience in Yeshivas Kol Torah he explained he does not wish to make the decision between the גדולי עולם.

The rav expressed his surprise upon hearing his name was being associated with the elections and that he supports “a certain party”, adding “I wish to make it known that I am not connected in any way with anything to do with the elections or any party and stress that the use of my name for a certain party is unauthorized and stating I stand behind any party is a lie.”

“As I know to be the case, a minute after I speak there will already be interpretations of my words so therefore, I repeat myself word for word”, emphasizing he is apolitical and any use of the rav’s name in connection with any political party is unauthorized.

The rav continued to explain that he feels compelled to explain to bnei Torah, “that if there are two chareidi parties, there are gedolei olam on both sides” and he feels inadequate to make such a decision regarding one over another. “Certainly all bnei Torah must however find their place in one of those parties, and none other, and no one should interpret this differently than just explained.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. there is no machloches in the Litvish camp, some people are trying to make one, but if we ignore them and identify them as look after their own private interests instead of the interests of the klal, then there will not be any maklokes, just some disgruntled people.

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