Marking the 18th Yahrzeit of Reb Shlomo Carlebach Z”L

Thursday, 16 Cheshvan 5773 marks the 18th yahrzeit of Rav Shlomo Carlebach z”l, who was viewed perhaps by some frum Jews as controversial or even unacceptable during his life, but has nonetheless left an indelible mark in our tefilos around the world, particularly with the birth of countless Friday night and Shabbos Rosh Chodesh or Mevorachim HaChodesh Carlebach Minyanim following his petira.

Thousands are expected to visit the kever of “Reb Shlomo” as he was known, in Yerushalayim’s Har Menuchos beis hachaim. Shuls around the world are holding special minyanim as a tribute to him and his niggunim.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. why would you write such a horrible thing “who was viewed perhaps by some frum Jews as controversial or even unacceptable during his life”
    while he may have done somethings questionable they were all lshem shamayim… he has thousands of people frum because of him…can any of us say we have done so much?? i am jelous of his olam haba

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