After 44 Years – Mikve Opens in Har Gilo

The community of Har Gilo was established in 1968, a year after the area was liberated from Jordanian occupation in the Six Day War. The residents of the community by and large are not frum, and over the years there have been arguments over building a mikve in the community. The issue was not one of money since the Ministry of Religious Affairs would see to the funding, but it was an issue of principle, if the secular community wanted to have a mikve in its midst.

Officials in the Gush Etzion Regional Council, among them Rabbi Rafi Austrof who heads the religious council did their utmost to persuade the residents to build the mikve. Har Gilo residents gave the green light and the mikve was built and dedicated. Some residents explain that the mikve represents the uniqueness of the community, the willingness of the different types of people living together harmoniously, quickly adding the presence of the mikve will in no way change the character of their home, which is based on a non-frum lifestyle.

Taking part in the dedication was Minister of Religious Affairs Yaakov Margi, who stressed he plans to built shuls and mikvaos in all communities that lack them today. The minister added that on the average he takes part in a dedication of a mikve or shul once a week and this remains an emotional event for him. Mekubal HaRav Shalom, Rosh Yeshivat Mekubalim Nahar Shalom, also took part in the dedication and he gave a warm bracha for all the women who decide to toivel in the mikve, explaining in basic terms the significance of maintaining such a lifestyle, one of kedusha and family purity.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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