A Confident Yaakov Katz (Ketzaleh) Moves Himself Back on the List

The head of the Ichud HaLeumi Party MK Yaakov (Ketzaleh) Katz announced that he is confident the joint list of his party and HaBayit HaYehudi will earn 15-20 seats in the upcoming election. As such, he asked that he be moved to the 7th slot his party’s roster, which translates to the 13th or 14th slot on the joint list. The most optimistic polls show the joint list earning a maximum of 10 seats, but Katz remains undeterred.

He writes on his Facebook page that when he received a bracha from Rav Mordechai Eliyahu ZT”L and other rabbonim four years ago before running he championed the flag of achdus and he continues in that direction, confident that the parties melding together will result in an unprecedented win at the polls.

Others feel that Katz is simply bowing out, aware that he will not be in Knesset since the 13th slot is unrealistic.

Katz however is not signaling anything less than total optimism, and he feels that just as he did as a commander during the Yom Kippur War he is leading by setting an example and in this case, he believes the dati leumi tzibur will respond on Election Day.

Katz also calls for the four of Ichud HaLeumi’s five positions to be assigned to Sephardim to signal total achdus in the party, adding the fifth slot should be given “to my dear friend [MK] Uri Ariel”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. 1. Bold move. Not necessarily suicidal. If he gets the seat, it makes him stand out politically, and he he doesn’t what difference does it make since being higher up on a weak list conveys little clout.

    2. If the Likud’s move to the secular side results in many religious or traditional Likudniks leaving, this is where they’ll go.

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