No Compensation for Israeli Travelers Stranded by Hurricane Sandy

For the thousands of Israelis whose flights to North America from Ben-Gurion International Airport were canceled due to Hurricane Sandy, there is no hope of cashing in for the Israeli law governing flight delays writes this up as an “act of G-d” and therefore they are not entitled to compensatory payment. That is not to say they cannot receive a refund or schedule another flight. They will not lose their payment but they cannot seek compensatory payment for the delay.

YWN-ISRAEL reported all flights to hurricane impacted areas were canceled, leaving thousands of stranded Israelis and Americans seeking to return home. This included all El Al, United, and Delta flights.

The law that was passed does entitle passengers to payment and hotel accommodations in certain situations but this does not include a hurricane.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. am i missing something here? why should they? frum Jews need to learn that everything is not magiyah lahem.. If you are scheduled to fly to cleveland and there is a snow storm since when does the ariline reimburse you above and beyond allowing you to reschedule. and the way you mention “act of G-d” … as if it wasnt.. was this not CLEARLY an act of G-d??? I would think since the whole eastern seaboard was almost obliterated, that bnei torah would have something more important to report.

  2. There is a halachic (ancient babalonian legalese) concept of “nispacha sodayhu” (translated: his field got flooded) and as such, must suffer the consequences for breach of contract , even though the “flooding of his field” (applicable literally in this case) was an “act of god”.

    This halacha is not rooted in the principle of “magiyah lahem” which you claim is a teaching of frum Jews. If a gentile would make such a statement, we’d scream antisemitism, but because you have been missing something since your bris, you think you have a licence to besmitch – for that I say to you magiya licha!

    I am not saying nispacha sodayhu applies in this case, indeed, the news item says the travelers won’t be compensated, but to your point of “pshita” (it is obvious) I am merely replying that there is a counter argument.

    You ask, am I missing something? In my opinion, yes, seichel.

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