Hurricane Sandy: Updates For Far Rockaway / Bayswater / 5 Towns Communities [10:37AM EST Tuesday]

The following was sent to YWN by the Achiezer Organization:

Please read this entire message carefully.

Many in our community are enduring some very difficult hours. Most are in the dark without power, and many have fallen trees and debris on their houses, cars, and other property.

We have been working throughout the night as hard as possible to ensure that every call for help is received and properly dealt with.

Our number 1 priority is the safety of the elderly, handicapped, and those that are still trapped. There are Hatzolah members and others who are tirelessly working at this moment to get to numerous trapped people. They are trying to do so as SAFELY as possible. We also have resources from the Fire Department, State Police, and National Guard who are trying to get to those who feel threatened.

We have received more than 50 calls in the last 45 minutes from people asking if they can now return to the neighborhood.
Again, we are not here to enforce the law. However, we urge you to please not return to the neighborhood at this point. There are dozens of inaccessible streets, downed live wires, numerous downed trees, and it is simply not safe for you or your family.

We have also been receiving calls from concerned family members regarding relatives that they cannot reach. Landline phone service is down, and several major cell carriers are down as well. If you are concerned about anyone’s safety please let us know.

As soon as we have further information, including highway and bridge closures, we will pass it along.

If you feel that someone’s life is in danger, call Hatzolah immediately at 718-387-1750

Thank you for your continued patience.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

One Response

  1. Im so glad i found this site, is a great source of information, i live in canada,and i have family in the areas of 5 towns and far rockaway, Great Job!!
    God bless all of You!

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