Captain Shilon’s Condition Continues to Improve

IDF Givati Brigade Captain Ziv [ben Margalit] Shilon’s condition is improving doctors at Soroka Medical Center report.

The company commander was seriously injured in a bomb attack along the Gaza border last week which resulted in the loss of his left hand. Surgeons are still battling to keep his right hand viable but it is too soon to know how this will turn out.

“I am not one who gives up easily” Shilon explains, and “I know I have a long road of rehabilitation ahead and I am ready for it towards returning to the IDF.”

Family members report Ziv is moved by the widespread support he is receiving, giving him a feeling that the entire nation is hugging him.

On shabbos he underwent another surgery and returned to an ICU but today, Monday 13 Cheshvan 5773 he is in an orthopedic unit.

While Ziv reports “I feel great”, doctors point out he also suffered burns and has a number of surgical procedures in his future.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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