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Israel Election Briefs – Monday 13 Cheshvan 5773

** MK (Ichud Leumi) Dr. Michael Ben-Ari has been ousted from the party and will be running under and independent ticket with Baruch Marzel and Itamar Ben-Givir, all followers of Rabbi Meir Kahane HY”D. Their first election poster shows the three of them under the caption “The only ones who understand Arabic”. Polls show that Ben-Ari’s popularity will bring them two seats.

** Channel 2 Poll: Likud/Beitenu (42), Labor (23), Shas (13), Yesh Atid (9), Meretz (6), HaYehudi/Ichud Leumi (5), Yahadut HaTorah (5), Kadima (2). The poll gives the right-wing 65 as opposed to the left-wing 55.

** Channel 10 Poll: Likud/Beitenu (35), Labor (23), Shas (14), Yesh Atid (13), Bayit HaYehudi/Ichud Leumi (9-10), Yahadut HaTorah (6), Kadima (5), Meretz (4). The poll gives the right-wing 64 as opposed to the left-wing 56.

** Maariv Poll: Likud/Beitenu (43), Labor (20), Yesh Atid (15), Shas (10), Bayit HaYehudi/Ichud Leumi (8), Yahadut HaTorah (6), Kadima (4), Meretz (3). The poll gives the right-wing 64 as opposed to the left-wing 56. DM Ehud Barak’s party does not get into Knesset. The poll gives the right-wing 67 as opposed to the left-wing 53.

** Kadima MK Yulia Shamalov Berkovich has left the party and is vying for a slot on the Likud list.

** Likud primaries to be held on Nov. 25th. List is closed and there are 118 candidates competing for slots on the list, which will number up to 120 but according to the polls, any name after 25 will most likely not enter Knesset since Yisrael Beitenu MKs are also going to be inserted if the agreement between the parties is approved.

** Shas plans to launch its election campaign this coming motzei shabbos in a grand event attended by Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef Shlita to be held in Binyanei Ha’uma, the Jerusalem Convention Center.

** Former Shinui Party MK Meli Polishook-Bloch, a deputy mayor in Ra’anana is vying for a spot on the Labor ticket.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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