10,000s Visit Kever Rochel – Egged Blows the Deal


Over 70,000 mispallalim reportedly visited Kever Rochel from motzei shabbos to Sunday morning as the yahrzeit this year fell on shabbos. While police, IDF and Ichud Hatzalah are keeping up their part, maintaining order and treating the injured, Egged has failed miserably and appears to have underestimated the number of mispallalim who would be arriving in Gilo seeking shuttle service to the tziyun.

The backlog became so significant that it became apparent to security officials that they would have to permit mispallalim to walk from Checkpoint 300, the border between southern Jerusalem and PA-occupied Beit Lechem.

Over 30,000 visited on Thursday night and erev shabbos and today, Sunday, 12 Cheshvan is expected to bring the largest number of mispallalim.

YWN PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos by Chaim Schvarcz – Kuvien Images.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. No offense, but Ichud Hatzalah, and their silly scooters are irrelevant. But it’s nice of you to cheerleader them.

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