PHOTOS: Fire Marshal, FBI Agent Honored At Maryland Menorah Parade

Honoring the area’s first responders, including a Jewish volunteer who died last week in a tragic accident, a flashing fire truck with a Chanukah menorah strapped to its top led the way in a procession of fire trucks, police cars and EMS ambulances that took part in the Chanukah parade in Upper Montgomery County, Md.

Hundreds joined in the procession—organized by Chabad of Upper Montgomery County in Gaithersburg, Md., and the Rockville Volunteer Fire Department—geared to promote awareness of the holiday. After the parade, speakers memorialized Sander Cohen, 33, a deputy chief state fire marshal and a lieutenant with the Rockville department; and Carlos Wolff, 36, a supervisory special agent in the district office of the FBI. Both men were killed on Dec. 8 when they were struck by a vehicle as they stood on the shoulder of a local highway.

Starting off from the Rockville fire station, the parade route made stops in local communities and at the Chanukah Wonderland event being held at a local shopping center.

The parade was followed by a community-wide event featuring live music and a fire-juggling show, which led to the outdoor community menorah-lighting ceremony. There, Upper Montgomery County’s first responders were recognized for their extraordinary work on a daily basis.

“First responders play a critical role in caring for our community,” said Rabbi Sholom Raichik, co-director with his wife, Chana, of Chabad of Upper Montgomery County and the event’s organizer. “Chanukah is all about spreading light and goodness—making it an opportune time to honor the work of these great individuals, who serve as a beacon of light and kindness in our community.”

(Source: Hartzman)

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