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Hurricane Sandy: Message From NYPD’s 70 Pct Commanding Officer

As you are already aware of the upcoming hurricane that is heading in our direction, we are sending you this email to inform you that the 70th Precinct will be running in full capacity during this time and will be here to assist you as needed.

The Weather Forecast has predicted that” Hurricane Sandy” will move up the East Coast from 6 AM Monday through 6PM Tuesday, and has the potential to be a very devastating storm. Though the storm is expected to have heavy down pours of rain, it will be combined with wind gusts from 40- 70 MPH. With this in mind, we ask that you prepare yourselves and your family for a safe ride through this storm.

It is likely that there will be some flooding, but due to the intense winds we can expect power outages, fallen trees , and flying debris.

Mayor Bloomberg has ordered a mandatory evacuation for all residents in the city’s low lying areas, also know as “Zone A”, which will be all Coastal areas. In Brooklyn South that would include the Coney Island and Manhattan Beach areas.

As we prepare for the storm, please keep these safety precautions in mind:

*Stay home if you can, and have enough non-perishable food and water for approximately three days

*Stock up on necessary essentials such as; flashlights, batteries, first-aid kits

*Tie-down loose items in your yards, such as; furniture, decorations, garbage can, bbq grills, gas tanks, solar lights and flag poles

*Gas up your vehicle and have cash on hand incase of power outages

*Fill your bathtub with water for flushing the toilets

*Charge up your Cell phones and mobile devices

Note: If you see any downed trees or branches , please call 311, unless there is an emergency then call 911.

If you see downed electrical wires, do not go near them. Treat all downed wires as if they were live. Never attempt to move or touch them with any object. Be mindful that downed wires can be hidden from view, from tree limbs, leaves or water. You can report downed wires to Con Edison at 1-800-75-CONED, 311 or through the Precinct. If power lines fall on your vehicle while you’re in it, stay inside the vehicle and await emergency personnel.

During the height of the storm, stay away from windows and avoid using elevators. If you don’t have to go outside, PLEASE DON’T.

* If you have an Elderly neighbor, please check in on them, and assist them in this preparedness.

**The nearest evacuation center in the confines of the 70th Precinct is PS 249, which located at 18 Marlborough Road. ( Rugby Road and Caton Ave)

*** As of today, October 28, 2012, the Subway system will start to shut down at 7:00PM, and the last buses will run until 9:00PM. LIRR and Metro-North Railroad will run their final trains at 7:00PM. Grand Central Terminal and Other Metro North station buildings will be closed at that time also.
Eric Rodriguez – Deputy Inspector

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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