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Burglars Target Bucharim Silver Store

Burglars helped themselves to a quantity of valuable silver items, breaking into the נח בן ציון silver store in Jerusalem’s Bucharim neighborhood. A neighbor who witnesses the burglary summoned assistance while others tried to scare away the thief.

The burglary occurred on Wednesday night the eve of 9 Cheshvan 5773. The burglar managed to make off with dozens of items, reportedly valued at hundreds of thousands of NIS.

Neighbors heard noise at about 03:30 and began investigating to see where it was coming from. They saw the store’s gate was partially lifted and understood what was taking place. One neighbor explains that after a minute or so she understood and starting shouting “thieves thieves” to startle the burglars.

While the burglar managed to make his escape, an area grocery store owner managed to write down the license number of the getaway vehicle.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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