ZivugZone.com: A New, Exciting & Free Dating Website With Haskamos

We are all by now familiar with the singles crisis facing the frum community. Today there are literally tens of thousands of frum singles who spend years going out on dates with countless individuals who are incompatible with them. Sometimes friends and family members inadvertently make dating suggestions that are based on shallow and superficial criteria. This can be a recipe for frustration and heartache. What is desperately needed is a resource to help frum singles identify compatible dating partners in an easy and efficient manner that is in line with a Torah hashkafah.

ZivugZone.com is a new, 100% free dating website that has burst onto the scene of shidduch dating and has addressed this problem head on.

It features a state-of-the- art software matching program that cuts to the chase and presents singles with personality compatible marriage prospects. This is in line with Torah hashakafa which emphasizes the importance of being diligent in identifying compatibility in prospective spouses. In this article, we interview the founder of ZivugZone.com, Moshe Coan, psychotherapist and marriage counselor.

YWN: Why did you create ZivugZone, Moshe?

Moshe: I created ZivugZone to help frum singles find their bashert quickly and easily. My intention is to help prevent unsuitable marriages that are not personality compatible. These types of marriages are frequently plagued by conflict and frustration and often end in divorce. We need to do our utmost to help our singles create happy and successful marriages.

YWN: Tell us about yourself, Moshe. I understand that you are a relationship counselor and psychotherapist?

Moshe:  Yes, I am. I have been working with singles and couples for over 15 years. What always struck me in my practice was that couples who were compatible were truly happier in their marriage. I was so intrigued by this concept that I investigated the research that was done by psychologists in this area. Corroborating my observations, the research findings were unequivocal that personality compatibility leads to increased satisfaction in marriage. I then made a commitment to do something to help ameliorate the difficulties so many frum singles face. I created ZivugZone.com to help frum singles avoid endless dates with individuals who are just not shayach.

YWN: Can you briefly describe how ZivugZone works?

Moshe:  After the single registers, he or she takes a research-based questionnaire that takes 20-25 minutes to complete. At this point, the single is immediately presented with a list of highly compatible profiles which are screened for personality, age, hashkafah, and other personal preferences. The single can choose to communicate via an in-house email system or through a shadchan.

YWN: Does ZivugZone have haskamos?

Moshe: Yes. The website has the the haskamos of prominent rabbonim including HaRav Moshe Heinemann, Shlita, the Rabbinic Supervisor of Star-K Kashrus and Rav of the Agudas Yisroel of Baltimore.

YWN: What kind of response have you received from ZivugZone members?

Moshe:  The response has been overwhelming Almost 2,000 singles have joined since we launched in July. I have received a steady stream of comments from members who are absolutely thrilled with the website and the quality of their matches. Here is a sampling: “I am very impressed with your site.” “This is a brilliant idea.” “I’m pleasantly surprised with the descriptions of the matches.” “You’re running the best possible method for a dating website in the frum world.”

YWN: The website sounds fantastic, Moshe. What final message would you like to convey to our readers?

Moshe: I encourage readers to tell all the singles they know about ZivugZone.com. Every frum single should register a profile. With your help, IYH, we will help make many happy marriages in Klal Yisroel. Tizku L’Mitzvos.

Moshe Coan, LCSW can be reached at [email protected]

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