Maran HaRav Gershon Edelstein’s Instructions Regarding Chanukah Mesibos After Rav Shteinman’s Petira

Following the petira of Maran HaGaon HaRav Aharon Yehuda Leib Shteinman ZT”L, dozens of sheilos have been received by Maran HaRav Gershon Edelstein regarding the proper way to celebrate Chanukah.

The Ponevezh Rosh Yeshiva is responding to the sheilos pertaining to Chanukah mesibos (parties) in a yeshiva, which the Rosh Yeshiva says do not have to be canceled, but he stipulates, the atmosphere should take a sense of aveilus for the Gadol Hador into consideration. This would include words of chizuk l’ilui nishmas Rav Shteinman.

For example, a mesiba will take place in Ponevezh, without a band, which has become a regular component of the annual event.

A question came from the Igud Bnei Yeshivos in a number of cities, asking if they should cancel their Oneg Shabbos that they hold on Friday nights in communities with the cooperation of Rabbonim after a learning seder. Rav Edelstein responded, “This has importance, to assist the bochrim, and on Shabbos this would be public aveilus (to cancel the event,) so the event should be held”.

Regarding kehillos that have a Melave Malka for bochrim, the Rosh Yeshiva responded “They must feel something different, something aveilus-connected, and if there was always music, they should have it without. There should be a feeling of mourning but there is no need to cancel. They should also deliver words of chizuk l’ilui nishmas”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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