A New Toldos Aaron Takona: Bochrim Forbidden To Participate In Weddings

The Toldos Aaron Rebbe Shlita has announced a new takona, prohibiting bochrim in yeshiva gvoha from participating in weddings, Chadrei Chareidim reports. Roshei yeshiva in the chassidus have spread the word to their talmidim.

The rebbe explained in recent months there were many weddings in which many talmidim took part, and now, it’s the winter zman and many more chasanas are planned. He feels there is simply too much bitul Torah from the third seder and night sedorim.

The new takona will take effect gradually. In stage one; the chosson’s friends will not be permitted to attend with the exception of his friends from Shiur Gimmel. In stage two; a משמחים vaad will be established, made up of a number of avreichim, and the vaad members will be the only ones authorized to attend and dance at the chasenah, representing the others.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. anyone know the difference between attending a wedding & attending any other simcha?

    by a wedding, as long as you are %100 percent sure the chosson/kalla or the baal simcha (whoever you are coming to give mazel tov) saw your presense & was fully focused at the time, you can then go home. theres no difference rather you stay for 2 minutes or 5 hours (of course bidei shomayim every minute of being misameach a chosson &/or kalla is another mitzva)

    while any other simcha if you leave, your absence will be noticed right away & will cause insult to the ball simcha


  2. The Rebbe’s Shilta next Takona will be that no one from the Yeshiva willbe allowed to attend Any Simcha as it is to be considered bitul zman. This would include the Chassan, the Mesader Keddushin, the Aidem, etc…….

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