New Beit Shemesh Access Road Appears to be Moving Forward

A Ministry of Transportation official announced that at long last, the planned upgrade for Route 38 feeding Beit Shemesh and Ramat Beit Shemesh will move ahead. When the two lane road (one in each direction) was built, the communities did not exist and today, the infrastructure cannot accommodate the daily flow of traffic. As a result there are frequent traffic delays and accidents.

The upgrade was approved some time ago but last month government officials signaled the project may be halted due to national government budgetary cuts. Minister of Transportation Yisrael Katz would not hear of this and he used various means to push the project through.

So for now it appears the 800 million NIS project is going to move ahead and it should be completed within three years. One of the major improvements includes a bridge so motorists will no longer be compelled to wait at the railroad crossing, another regular cause for traffic delays.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. This is so exciting. I live in Ramat Beit Shemesh and to see the how the community is being built up is a tremendous source of Simcha.

  2. For those of you who do not know the road and traffic try driving from Route 1 to RBS on Friday afternoons. I live in RBS and sometime wish I owned a helicopter.

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