DM Ehud Barak’s Comments in the South of Israel

Defense Minister Ehud Barak on Wednesday 8 Cheshvan 5773 toured the south of Israel in the wake of the barrage of over 80 rockets and mortars that have been fired at Israel from the Hamas-controlled Gaza. Since the beginning of the year, nearly six hundred such rockets and missiles have been fired at Israel from Gaza.

Minister Barak told members of the press “We are here next to the Gaza Strip with IDF Southern District Commander Maj.-Gen. Tal Russo, and Gaza Division Commander Brig.-Gen. Yossi Bechar, who are responsible for managing the battle against Hamas and the other terror organizations. I just met with Alon Shuster and Chaim Yellin, the heads of the local authorities, and I commended them on the manner in which the civilian population is dealing with these testing times.

“The IDF is working efficiently against all the terror elements. Since the beginning of the month, fifteen active terrorists have been killed in the act, and more have been injured. We would like to wish a speedy recovery to our injured officer, Ziv, and to those who were injured this morning.

“Hamas will receive its punishment for what has happened here, and no terror element responsible for causing damage in Israel – or to Israelis – will be spared. We do not intend to allow the continued violation of normal life in the south of Israel.

“The IDF is vigilant and prepared for any action that should be required – if it is required – in order to put an end to this.

“But we will continue to work with patience and level-headedness. There is no way to eliminate the hatred or hostility entrenched in Hamas. But the IDF will act on the border, from the air, and in any other necessary way in order to strike down those who attempt to cause us harm.

“The current attitude of the heads of the local authorities and the residents is correct: The Government of Israel must make the quick decision to expand the protection that has been implemented in the first 4.5 km from Gaza, to include special protection for another 1,700 homes in a number of different towns, between four and 7.5 km from Gaza.

“This is an area in which, for technical reasons, it is harder to provide the cover of ‘Iron Dome’ and therefore it is appropriate to provide this [standard] type of protection. It will take a year and a half, but the decision and the initiation of the process must be immediate. I hope that the damage that Hamas and the other terror organizations have sustained will ‘calm them down’. If they cannot be calmed, and the rockets continue, then the IDF will act. We have the commanders. We have the forces. We have the clarity and determination of both action and goals. Whenever there is a need, the IDF will act.

“The issue is far from over. The struggle has not come to an end and it will not come to an end here in the next week. If I compare this to previous years, there is a considerable improvement in terms of protection and operational activities, and to a considerable extent, the ‘Iron Dome’ which in areas slightly further away [from Gaza] provides progressively more and more security. It is not perfect. Nothing is perfect. We are not in Scandinavia. But we will keep battling on. We have a superb army.

“The issue of defense is complicated. It is not simple. If words could solve these issues, then they would no longer be issues. We need methodical actions; responsible, professional and serious actions. This is what the IDF is all about, and this is how the local civilian population is responding; displaying courage and resilience, but still worthy of more support and protection. The [civilian population] is showing its mettle, and this is vital.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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