Akselord Calls on Assemblyman Cymbrowitz To Commit Serving a Full Term if Elected

Amid rumors spreading around town about Assemblyman Steve Cymbrowitz’s intentions to quit and be appointed to a position by Governor Cuomo, Assembly candidate for the 45th district is calling upon Cymbrowitz to respond to rumors, and make clear to the voters of the district his intentions in the near future.

The rumor was reinforced, with Glenn Blain from the Daily news’ report yesterday that a Cuomo administration spokesman confirmed this afternoon that Mental Health Commissioner Michael Hogan is planning to retire. Hogan’s departure seemed imminent after he posted what appeared to be a farewell message on the Office of Mental Health’s website. “Because of a planned transition that will soon be announced, this will likely be my last OMH News message as Commissioner,” Hogan wrote in the monthly newsletter.

Assemblyman Cymbrowitz is chairman of the committee on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse and a member of the committee on Health.

“Assemblyman Cymbrowitz is feeling the heat. His vulnerability was proven in the 2010 elections and just recently in the September 13th primaries,” said Ben Akselrod. “Without a record to run on and without offering any new ideas, it’s no wonder that Assemblyman Cymbrowitz is looking to jump ship to avoid an embarrassment and advance his career.”

“Thus, before voters head to the polls, the Assemblyman owes them a clear answer of what his intentions are in filling out his term in office if elected. Voters deserve a clear commitment, knowing that their trust if given will not be thrown back at their face,” said Akselrod.

One Response

  1. The Democrats are getting good at this. David Storobins opponent, after overturning “term limits” – AGAINST OUR WILL, bolted for the higher paying job! Now he wants our vote again?! Sorry, not this time! How many times do you think you can fool us? We’ve had enough of you Democrats!

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