Coincidence? Time Square Protesters Called For ‘Intifada’ Days Before NYC Terror Attack [VIDEOS]


Assembly Member Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) is calling on Law Enforcement authorities to investigate the connection between today’s terror attack in NYC with a rally that took place on Friday in Times Square.

Led by Imam Mohammad Qatanani of Islamic Center of Passaic County, Patterson, NJ, and others, a rally called for violence against Jews and Israelis.

“People have the right to assemble and demonstrate,” said Assembly Hikind, “but there’s a difference between peaceful demonstrations and incitement to violence. A video of this hateful, inflammatory rally shows clearly what the speakers’ objectives were. They called for violence against all Jews and all Israelis. Did today’s New York City bombing suspect attend this rally? I think this is something New Yorkers would like to know.”

A video posted on Twitter shows Qatanani calling for an end to peace. “You have to stop all kinds of peace process…we have to start a new Intifada… With our souls and our blood we will redeem you,” he says. “The Palestinians fight with rocks… They fight with guns! Their children fight!” screams another speaker.

“Not only should law enforcement investigate this incitement and its connection with today’s cowardly bombing, but I believe all New Yorkers will find the viewing of this video informative. This message of glorified violence, which Palestinians have been teaching their school-age children for generations, is being exported to America. Glorified violence against innocent men, women and children. It’s something we need to be concerned about and address,” said Hikind.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. This World Is Full Of A Lot of FALSEHOOD! The Dictatatorial ISlamic World Is Full of Falsehood and Seeks To Bully The World to Accept Their Lies. Such as Repeatedly pressing the UN to vote that all holy sites in Israel are ISLAMIC Alone.
    Meaning EVEN THOUGH Judaism existed several THOUSAND YEARS before Mohammed and Christianity for several centuries, they say the Temple Mount, Western Wall, Cave of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Sara, Rebecca, Leah and Rachels Tomb are ISLAMIC. Now THey Are Up in Arms because the US dared say the capital of Israel is Jerusalem. A)Never mind King David made it his capital over 1,000 years BEFORE MOHAMMED and B) Only under ISRAEL is there FREE SAFE ACCESS TO ALL FAITHS! They rage on in their rage! Even Turkey apparently ruled by dictator Edrogen (how many years???) – look at the falsehood he spews in his Facebook page. As he sits ruling such a Large country and people he Dares scream at little Israel – the One Jewish state – screaming his hatred!

    Look at what I found on the Facebook page of Turkish President Edrogen! This is from a “respected” leader of a Large country!? He sounds like Al Qeda or ISIS or NAZI GERMANY!
    Turkey President Erdoğan added 2 new photos.
    December 9 at 7:17am ·
    Google Maps; Where is Palestine?
    Wikipedia; Quds is an honourable city so it can not be capital of a murderer state (Israel)
    Time To Wake Up World
    The zionists have been planning to destroy countries so that they would found one world state which has 500.000 million people so they are planning chaoses everywhere to murder billions of people!

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