TROUBLE FOR O: White House Told Of Militant Claim Two Hours After Libya Attack

On Sept. 11, 2012, just two hours after the State Department first began notifying government agencies back in Washington–including the White House–that the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi was under attack by armed men, State sent out an email that went to at least two people in the White House that said the group Ansar al-Sharia had claimed responsibility for the attack.

The email, which was sent from a State Department address at 6:05 PM on Sept. 11, 2012, was obtained by CBS News and posted online by the news agency in a PDF file. This email and others posted by CBS News had certain elements redacted–particularly the exact identities of the person who sent it and the persons who received it.

The email sent at 6:05 P.M. on Sept. 11 was sent by a person using an email address. The subject line said: “Ansar al-Sharia Claims Responsibility for Benghazi Attack (SBU)”

The body of the email said: “(SBU) Embassy Tripoli reports the group claimed responsibility on Facebook and Twiter and has called for an attack on Embassy Tripoli.”

Among the addresses of those who received are two that include that tag “,” a White House email address. “EOP” stands for “Executive Office of the President. The names of the two recipients in the Executive Office of the President who received the email have been redacted.

Someone at the State Department sent an original email about the terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate at 4:05 PM on Sept. 11, 2012. This email was sent from an address tagged “” The name of the person who sent the email is redacted.

This email, too, was sent to two people in the Executive Office of the President. It was also sent to at least 32 individuals at the State Department itself, a person in the office of the Director of National Intelligence (“”), a person at the FBI (“”), and a person in the Defense Department (“”).

All the names of the recipients in these federal agencies are redacted.

The subject line of this 4:05 PM email sent by State 9/11/12: “U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi Under Attack (SBU).”

The email said nothing about a YouTube video. The email said nothing about a spontaneous demonstration.

The text of the email said: “(SBU) The Regional Security Officer reports the diplomatic mission is under attack. Embassy Tripoli reports approximately 20 armed people fired shots; explosives have been heard as well. Ambassador Stevens, who is currently in Benghazi, and four COM [Chief of Mission] personnel are in the compound safe haven. The 17th of February militia is providing security support. The Operations Center will provide updates as available.”

Forty-nine minutes later–at 4:54 PM on 9/11/12–the State Department sent out a follow-up email to the same set of recipients, including the two in the Executive Office of the President.

The subject line on this second email said: “Update 1: U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi (SBU)”

The text said: “(SBU) Embassy Tripoli reports the firing at the U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi has stopped and the compound has been cleared. A response team is on the site attempting to locate COM [Chief of Mission] personnel.”

This email also said nothing about a YouTube video or a spontaneous demonstration.

(Source: CNS News)

12 Responses

  1. I wondered whyn this story seems to have appeared no place other than on “CNS News” – so I looked up CNS and I may have found the answer on Wikipedia:

    “ was founded by L. Brent Bozell III on June 16, 1998, under the name Conservative News Service and the domain name[3] According to Bozell, the website would “report news …not touched by traditional television news outlets” and “fill the growing news void left by the establishment media in their chase for the sensational.”[3] On its first day of operation the website had 61,000 hits.[3]”

    Unless this story is developed further in mainstream media, it is a non-starter – like some Polosi type citing an “exclusive” story found nowhere but in a left wing rag.

  2. Hillary must have forgotten to tell the president as they have been dealing with much more important matters such as fundraising

  3. Leave it to YonasonW to “poo-poo” this story. CBSobama reported a week or so ago that we had someone here in the State Department watching the terrorist attack in LIVE time! This means the administration knew about it. We also had drones fly over the consulate!!! If the president didn’t know about it, its his own fault as he may have been golfing or something! One way or another this shows incompetence of the Obama administration and I hope more of this comes out before Nov 6 so we could be sure to rid ourselves of this ManChild.

  4. This is a non-event story that has been out for several days in different forms and spins. Obviously there was real time knowledge of the events on the ground but there is still no concensus among the security agencies as to exactly how, when and who among the various terror groups might have been invovled. But of course, its the responsibilityof Drudge, Fox et. al. to try to keep churning variations of the same story over and over to keep it on the front page until election day. Maybe we should start postig links to GWB sitting in Florida reading stories to a kindergarden class while the WT towers were crashing down and looking like he had no clue what was happening.

  5. Gadolhadorah many be a baal ga’vah and tell everyone he is a gadol b’torah but I will be proud to once again tell everyone that he’s a koton b’anything that requires saychil.

    GWB was reading to kindergarteners when the towers were attacked and was aware AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE what was going on at the time. As soon as he was done (remember he didn’t want to scare the kids!) which was only minutes he got to “work.”

    Your getchka obama did NOTHING other than being engaged in his re-election so he ran off to Vegas, ran to Letterman, ran to The View, & ran to JayZ. Big difference!!

    He’s gonna be TOAST for this failing on the job and then covering it up like he did.

    He is EVIL!

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