Police Arrest Beitar Illit Residents For Attacking Doctor and Nurse on Shabbos [VIDEO]


On Shabbos afternoon, police in Beitar Illit received a report that a doctor and nurse had been attacked in one of the local health clinics in the city. Police who responded to the scene of the attack at the clinic began an investigation, which resulted in the identification of the suspected attackers.

From the initial investigation, the suspects were revealed to be a father and his three children, who came to the clinic in the afternoon to receive medical care. The father and his children then attacked the doctor and male nurse after not having been satisfied with the care that they were given. The Doctor was lightlly injured in the attack and was taken to Shaarei Tzedek hospital in Jerusalem foro medical treatment.

The suspects, residents of Beitar Illit, were detained for questioning and further investigation.

A spokesperson for the police department said: “Th police have acted, and will continue to act with a zero-tolerance policy towards anyone who commits acts of violence or threatens those who provide special services and care for the public. We will use all means in our power to catch people who commit these acts and bring them to justice.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. although most people in Beitar are yirat shamiyim, there are still many low classed riff raff who are hoodlums. Go out on shabbos evening and see what happens in the street when most people are eating or sleeping; low class riff raff.

  2. Now you know why it is said Ben Gurion hated Arabs, because of who they reminded him. The non Jewish doctors on duty in Beitar on Shabbos and Yom Tov do a fine job helping us. The should be treated with respect and gratitude, not like the local riff raff treat their own kind. Hopefully these hooligans will be jailed.

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