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Hamas PM: ‘Brave Historic Visit Breaks Gaza Economic Blockade’

Speaking to reporters on Tuesday during a visit to Gaza by Emir of Qatar Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh called the official visit “courageous and historic”. In actuality, it was the first visit of an Arab leader to Gaza since Hamas gained control. The dignitary convoy entered Gaza via the Rafiach Crossing in Egypt.

Terrorist leader Haniyeh praised the official moment, stating “it proves Gaza is not alone”, telling reporters the visit marks the end of the economic blockade.

Thousands were on hand for the official welcoming and at one point the sheikh opened a window of his armored vehicle to shake hands as rice and flowers were hurled at him.

According to Haniyeh, Qatar is significantly stepping up assistance to Gaza from $250 million to $400 million.

Israel Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor condemned the visit and lamented the fact that Qatar is supporting this terrorist organization which makes the lives of “Israelis and Palestinians miserable”.

The visited lasted for four hours, during which the emir dedicated a new building project and a hospital.

The sheikh attacked Israel in his statements, citing the “settlements” as proof Israel is trying to change the reality pertaining to “Palestinian lands”. He called on Arab countries to play a role in rebuilding Gaza and called for cooperation between Hamas and Fatah.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. What else did he say that wasn’t reported? 150 million extra ?!?!? That’s a lot of money for such a small project, I wonder what they’ll do with the other 149mil?

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